Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hot Kissing

For most of us, women and men alike, there was that one person who kissed us like no other. Some of us are lucky enough to still be with that person. For others, that person's kissing skill may have been his best attribute, and while our current partners have many other skills, kissing is not at the top of the list.
No need to merely daydream about those past great kisses -- you are about to be handed the keys to the kissing kingdom.

Critically important is the way in which you approach making suggestions to your partner... Given that kissing is one of the more important parts of lovemaking, it should be something we all do well.

Always make a point of saying what works, not what doesn't. Do not tell him he doesn't kiss well or doesn't 'do it' for you unless, of course, you don't want to see him again.Know that people will often touch (and kiss) the way they like to be touched.

As men are stronger and have thicker skin than women, they often touch to the pressure they know and like, which can be too much, especially initially, for women.Also, because men's mouths and tongues are larger, they may be too forceful in the moment of passion. Yet men are aware how easily a woman can go from 60 to 0 on the desire meter as a result of overly forceful or careless kissing. And there is nothing they want to avoid more than something that will interrupt lovemaking.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

How can I get my ex girlfriend back if she is ignoring me? What if I am the only one trying? Is it really possible to get my girlfriend back under any circumstances?

Perhaps, those questions above are troubling you. And you may feel very discouraged. But let us look at it this way, at least you are trying.

One very common worry among guys who are trying to get their girlfriend back is this, "If I am the only one trying, then it is impossible to get my girlfriend back."

This is not always true. Although there is no guarantee that you will definitely get your girlfriend back if you tried, at least there is a chance. However, if none of you are doing anything, then you shouldn't expect any miracle to happen. Don't underestimate what you can do to save your relationship.

In fact, there are probably many examples around about guys getting back their girlfriend and they are the only one trying.

Perhaps, instead of worrying about whether you can get our girlfriend back, it is much better to know what the mistakes to avoid are when trying to get your girlfriend back.

Generally, you do not want to do anything that makes you look desperate. If your girlfriend knows you are desperate, she is less likely to respond to you. For example, you do not want to call her again and again. No matter how much you want to talk to her, don't try to call her several times per day, or even worse, several times per hour. This is an obvious sign of desperation that you want to avoid.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Dangers of the Online Dating

The social situation in the 21st century is allowing people to treat dating in a much more relaxed way. Dating is now much more varied thanks to the help of internet dating sites. The people taking part in such dating events such as speed dating phone dating and blind dating are far more informed and diverse than ever before. This is mainly thanks to the various dating related sites online offering dating information and related links the best sites out there.
U.S. residents spent $469.5 million on online dating and personals in 2004 and over $500 million in 2005, this is the second largest paid content on the web. So there is no doubt that people are extremely interested in finding a life partner or just a short term relationship. Such large sites operating and surely bringing in large amounts of money annually are sites like e harmony, Yahoo personals and
This is due to the sign up fee and the monthly fee required to surf through the thousands of profiles available on there databases.
This is wonderful for online dating sites making thousands off the recent online dating boom but where does that leave the end user? With so many options out there to find the “right one”
Where do you start? Thanks to many dating related sites now its never been easier to find out just what’s for you.

According to Scientific American, Virtual Dating is the next step in online dating. This involves creating what’s called an avatar and dating in a virtual world. Doing what you would do in a normal date but online which enables you to get to know the person while decreasing the fear of rejection.

However there are many problems with online dating and the recent rise in popularity in such sites as free online dating services. A majority of sites keep members profiles online many months after the person has logged off giving the appearance of having more members than there are online.
Also many sites make it unclear whether members have fully subscribed and therefore are unable to reply, meaning that both members have to be paid members before any offline contact can be arranged.
There is another pitfall where some profiles are just ghost profiles to attract members. This sort of behaviour really destroys the credibility of the online dating industry.
Even if the profile is real there is an inherent lack of trust between profiles due to the whites lies and fake images uploaded to make themselves more attractive to the opposite sex. However this can be mostly diverted by staying away from casual dating sites. Online predators have also cast a grey cloud over the industry due to the secrecy that dating sties provide. This secrecy is the perfect situation a predator needs to set up an arrangement offline.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What Women Want

Bad news, guys: all women know that men want sex. But the good news: you can start doing things to get a woman into bed faster. It's all a matter of changing your approach.

First, let's divide women into two categories:
1.) Everyday women
2.) Hot women

Everyday Women

Everyday women want:

- a guy who will treat them well

- a guy who doesn't come off that he only wants sex

- a guy with a great sense of humor

- a guy with a job

- a guy who doesn't play games

Keep in mind that these are generalizations, as every woman has varied preferences and tastes. Let's emphasize again that women do not like men who only want sex and want it right away. That's what hookers are for. When you spend time with a lady, you need to be a gentleman if you want to increase your chances of getting lucky.

Hot Women

Hot women are a different ball game. Since they can get any guy they want, their expectations are a lot higher. In addition to wanting most of the things everyday women want like a guy with a job and a sense of humor...

Hot women want:

- a guy who has something of value to offer

- a guy who's fast on his feet

The thing to remember about hot women is that they're in such demand, they won't go out with just anyone. Don't be fooled into thinking you can get a hot woman just because you think she's hot. You have to have something of value to offer. Hot women are naturally attracted to glamour and fame because they have the look for it, and because everyone tells them that (how else can you explain unattractive rock stars who have hot chicks all over them?). But if you can't attract a hot woman with fame and money, don't panic! There are tons of hot women out there dating normal guys who aren't rich and famous. But clearly, these guys have something to offer. So now ask yourself, "What can I offer to a hot woman that other guys can't?"

Let's find out. Are you:

- Creative?

- Smart?

- Handy?

- Athletic?

- Funny?

- Connected?

Chances are you have at least one of these traits. If not, then pick one area you'd like to master and get to work. Whatever your talent is, start using it to your advantage if you want to meet hot women.