Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Goals of Marriage.

A restaurant meal is always much less of a treat than having his very busy mother cook for the family--something she only did on Sundays. So the question of a restaurant versus a home meal is really symbolic of what makes each of them feel loved. when dreams are respected Why do some couples cope so gracefully with these sorts of issues while others get bogged down? The difference is that the happy couple understands that helping each other realize their dreams is one of the goals of marriage.

One of the great stories in Eastern Philosophy concerns two animals: a scorpion and a frog. The tale goes that one day a scorpion was trapped on the shore of a river, and he needed to get to the other side. He asked a frog he saw swimming out in the water to come get him and take him across. The frog refused. “You are a scorpion,” the frog said. “If I take you on my back, you’ll sting me.” The scorpion said that was foolish, of course he wouldn’t sting him because then he would drown in the river and die, too. The frog thought about it, and agreed that it wouldn’t make sense. He let the scorpion on his back, and then started paddling across the river. When the frog was halfway out, the scorpion stung him. As the frog was dying and they both began to slip under the water, he asked the scorpion why he did it. “It’s my nature. I am a scorpion,” he said. “And scorpions sting.”
The essential interpretation of the story is that every creature has a nature, and you cannot argue against it, or expect it to change. You must accept it for what it is. For example, the nature of my dog is that he will only bark; he will never talk to me in English. To expect otherwise would not only be slightly crazy, but it would leave me disappointed for the rest of my life. I would expect something he could never do.
The same is true of our expectations of women. They have a nature, which we are about to analyze and discuss. To argue against these things – to argue against the way things are – is to cause certain frustration, anxiety, and anger. There are certain traits that people have, and you cannot wish or hope them to be different; they can only be accepted. If someone’s behavior makes you angry or tense, then it is your fault, not theirs. You are the one reacting to them. Remember to see things as they are, not as you wish them to be. Be brave enough to face the Principle of Truth.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Love With Chemistry

When you're attracted to someone, you might realize it right from the start. They make you feel special or they make your face curl into a smile each time they're around. You can't explain it, but you can feel it right into your toes. But are these feelings enough to tell if you have the right chemistry or not? Here's what you should be looking for:

How do you feel when they are around?

Whenever you are around a certain person, take a personal inventory of how you feel. Are you happy or are you less than happy? Try to figure out how you are feeling each time they walk into the room. Are you excited to see them and feel anxious to talk to them and be in their presence? The more positive you feel about the way this person makes you feel, the more chemistry you will have.

How do you feel when they are not around?

You don't want to feel like you can't go on, but do you feel like something is missing when the person in question is not around? Do you somehow feel like you're not having as much fun as you could if they were? When the person isn't around, you should be feeling a little less than happy. You might feel like you want them to be around you right then and that everything would be better if they were with you.

How do they feel when you're around?

This is a trickier thing to measure as you can never really tell what someone is feeling unless you ask them. But there are subtle clues a person may be giving off that can show you whether they enjoy your company or not.

· Open body language - If they are trying to face you to talk to you, keeping their arms uncrossed and not crossing any other part of their body, it shows that they want to remain open to you and to whatever you are saying. This is a good sign that they are attracted to you.

· Eye contact - While the other person shouldn't be leering at you, making direct eye contact when they are speaking to you and when they are listening to you is a great way to tell if you have chemistry or not.

· Increased pupil dilation - This is a little harder to tell, but if you're making eye contact with them, you will see that this happens. The black part of the eye will become bigger when a person is excited to talk to someone that the like. It might not be tremendously different, but it will certainly change in size.
· A relaxed expression - Not everyone will grin from ear to ear when they talk to someone they like, but they should seem relaxed and calm when they are around you. Their face should not be stiff or strained. When you see crinkles around the eyes, this is a sign that the person is relaxed as they look at you.

What are they saying to you?

Chemistry can also be seen in the way that someone talks to you. People that are positive about their lives when they talk are generally feeling positive about the person with whom they are speaking. Subliminally, they are trying to show that they are a good person, so they are only showcasing the good in their lives.

Monday, June 9, 2008

formulas for dating....

* Get prepared for dating. If you really want to succeed in the dating game, decide who you are looking for, do your research and be ready to commit to dating. Never tell lies to your date or pretend anything about your life that isn't true. If this is your perfect match for God's sake do not allow it to be ruined by some silly lie told early on.

* Begin a regime of looking your best. Join a gym, read health magazines, get fit and start a diet. Begin a new regime of good grooming or beauty treatment. Go shopping and treat yourself to new clothes and even a whole new look. Get your image right, one that you can manage and live with, but one that flatters you. Don't go overboard and look like someone you are not but maybe. Though it will not find you a date in itself, you will feel a million times more confident about yourself.

* Have a good think about what your dating goals are and timescales. Do you see yourself married within 2 years? If you do then approach dating accordingly. If you are more laid back and don't take dating too seriously then ask yourself some honest questions about why you are dating and what you hope to achieve. If it is purely sex then ask yourself if you are about to be honest with those you hope to date.

* Sort out your confidence levels in advance. By following the first four tips you will feel better and be more focused. Do all the things that will boost your confidence from avoiding negative friends (often the married ones) to attending the right kind of social functions. Couples at dinner parties in suburbia is not necessarily where you need to be right now.

* Choose those you have a good chance of dating, don't aim low but do aim realistically. In other words, your dating is based on the whole package you present as well as just your personality. If you are looking for a glamour girl or boy and want to pick out the really high-quality girls to get into relationships with you, be prepared and be realistic about your chances.

* Do make dating happen for yourself. People will not come and ring your bell from nowhere. Dating requires positive action so go out there and meet people, as many people as you can. Practice your chat and flirting on shop workers, bar attendants, anywhere and everywhere. I know its a cliché but you will not meet people by staying indoors. Try to keeping attraction up in your relationships.

* Do surround yourself with positive like minded people who are also dating. Think about the girls from Sex and the City and how they assist each other in dating and matters of romance. Negative friends who don't condone the dating scene or don't understand it will only help lower your own expectations and make you feel negative.

* Take time off from dating occasionally if its not going well or causing dating fatigue. Dating is an ongoing process and so recharging the batteries and keeping the confidence and optimism levels high is an absolute must. Besides, do stay positive even when dates don't end well. It is most certainly true that you will date a few frogs before you find a prince. Along the way you will meet some nice people too and make some good contacts possibly.

* Enjoy dating for what it is, dating. It is meeting people and socializing and spending time in the company of stimulating individuals who may or may not bring you a sparkle. Be interested and interesting. As the Pet Shop Boys once said, I was never bored because I was never being boring" or something similar. You get my drift.

* Never ever make yourself too available. Be busy, be unavailable generally and be interesting. People like mystery and enigma and the thrill of the chase when dating. In keeping with this do not sleep with your dates early on if you want them to progress, so keep sex until later. The longer a person is made to chase and fall for you within reason, the more likely that love may blossom. Peak too early and you have little left to offer and emotions may never have had the time to develop.